About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Persona y Bioética is a scientific journal focused predominantly on circulating the results of academic research, teaching and social outreach through articles, essays, reports and other works that are oriented towards the search for truth and emphasize respect for the supreme dignity of man, unconditional protection and promotion of human life in all its dimensions, and a commitment to future generations.  The journal’s efforts in this respect are consistent with the principles of the Department of Bioethics at the Universidad de La Sabana School of Medicine.

Persona y Bioética encourages the development of knowledge and the very foundations of bioethics by lending its own particular perspective to consideration of the critical issues that arise out of scientific and technological progress. Based on interdisciplinary studies, it prioritizes finding solutions to the problems that infringe most on the defense of life and human dignity. In doing so, it places special emphasis on the philosophical aspects of human life; on the different situations that create ethical problems in clinical practice; on technical, scientific and technological innovations; on bio-legal questions; on the relationship between bioethics and society, on caring for the environment; and on analyzing the issues contained in universal declarations related to bioethics.

Persona and Bioethics has been published since July 1997. It is an interdisciplinary medical-health journal dedicated to the health sciences and biotechnology in health, specifically the biomedical sciences, ethics and biomedical ethics.

Persona y Bioética is for readers who are interested in bioethical issues and, particularly, for researchers. It provides them with informed and qualified opinions on the meaning of their work and the ethical care it demands. Through its philosophy and reasoning, the journal also endeavors to strengthen the work of bioethical committees and to be a teaching resource.

Persona y Bioética is recognized as a highly qualified medium for information and consultation, thanks to its scientific validity and standing in the field of bioethics in Latin America.

Peer Review Process

Contributed articles are reviewed by the Editorial Committee, which verifies compliance with all the criteria specified in these instructions. The author(s) will be informed if any of these requirements are not met.

After being reviewed by the Editorial Committee, the article is sent to at least two peer experts who will evaluate its scientific and academic merit. The identity of the author is not disclosed to the peer reviewers, nor does the author know the identity of the peer reviewers. Once these outside academic peers have submitted their comments on the article, a decision is made either to accept it with modifications, to accept it as submitted initially, or to reject it.

All contributed articles are evaluated pursuant to the international ethical standards for scientific research adopted at the Second World Conference on Research Integrity held in Singapore on July 22 -24, 2010.

The journal notifies the author within 60 days. Once an article has been accepted for publication and the necessary changes or clarifications have been made, it is sent for proofreading.  The author’s particular style is respected in the proofreading process, which addresses form, not content.

Publication Frequency

Biannual publication January and July

Open Access Policy

This journal offers free and immediate access to its contents based on the principle that making research available to the public without charge supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Declaration of Originality

Authors must accept and sign the following Declaration of Originality, which is to be sent by email to: persona.bioetica@unisabana.edu.co

Persona y Bioética Journal

Statement of Originality

I hereby certify that I am/we are the original author(s) of the paper I am/we are submitting for publishing in the Universidad de La Sabana’s Persona y Bioética journal since its contents are the result of my/our direct intellectual contribution.

All data and references to already published works are duly identified with their relevant citation and included in the references section and quotations used and, where required, I/we have the appropriate authorizations from those who own their economic rights.

Therefore, I/we declare that all works involved are free of copyright and I/we shall take responsibility for any intellectual property right-related litigation or claim and hold the Universidad de La Sabana harmless.

I/We further declare that this paper has not been previously published nor has been submitted to any other journal for peer reviewing and subsequent publishing. I/We also mark with an X whether the work I am/we are submitting derived from a:

(  ) Master’s dissertation

(  ) Doctoral dissertation

( ) Non applicable

Having marked any of these options, I/we shall include the appropriate information of the base source as a footnote in the paper.

If the paper “<Name of the article / name of the paper / nome do artigo>” is approved for publishing:

A) As the author(s) and copyright owner(s), I/we hereby authorize the Universidad de La Sabana, without time restriction, to include this paper in Persona y Bioética so that it can reproduce, edit, distribute, exhibit and disseminate it in the country and abroad by print, electronic, CD Rom, Internet, full text or any other means known or to be known.

B) I/We acknowledge the requirements of the journal and attach to this letter these basic data for the publishing of my/our work:

- ORCID of all authors of the paper

- Institutional mail of all authors of the paper or the corresponding author only

- If research was funded: all data of the funding institution and its relevant identification number.

- According to the citation style of the journal: official name(s) in the academic-scientific sphere for citations attributed to me/us in order to unify my/our name(s) in all databases and promote my/our citation. For example, following the style of the journal, Bruna Ruoso da Silva Neutzling is: da Silva BR; Maria del Carmen Solano-Ruiz is: Solano-Ruiz MC.

In witness whereof, this statement is signed on this _________ __, ____ in the city of __________.


Full name of author 1

Short name as cited in citable documents

Institutional e-mail

ORCID number:

Funding (if applicable):


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