Algor-ethics and a Bioethical Look at Artificial Intelligence




Algor-ethics, algorithms, anthropology, dignity, digital age, artificial intelligence


The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing hope and uncertainty due to its vast possibilities and the risks it represents. After succinctly explaining what AI consists of, examples of the presence of systems and applications in different and disparate fields are shown in the industry, biotechnology, climate change, medicine, business, entertainment, and finance. The effects that AI can have on the planet, on culture and on the lives of human beings make it necessary to reflect on the ethics of these applications, since their omnipresence can lead to an algor-cracy (the digital era governed by algorithms), making it necessary to think about and develop an algor-ethics to guide the use of AI and its applications. A decalogue of ethical guidelines is offered to ensure that what is technically possible is in favor of human beings and never harms them, nor fosters adverse or harmful conditions for them. In addition to ethical and bioethical regulation, AI applications need a legal framework. The Artificial Intelligence Act, passed by the European Parliament in March 2024 and drafted with a risk-based approach, is briefly discussed. It is concluded that ethical and bioethical parameters that humanize AI are essential, based on a true anthropology that guarantees its use in the service of humans, placing the primacy of human dignity at the center.


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How to Cite

Gamboa-Bernal, G. A. (2024). Algor-ethics and a Bioethical Look at Artificial Intelligence. Persona Y Bioética, 28(2), e2821.


