¿A quién cuidamos?





Bioética, desarrollo humano, derechos humanos, Ética, Vida, Bioética personalista


This article includes the presentation presented at the Seminar of the Human Development Coalition, led by Human Life International, a coalition that acted as representative of civil society at the 54th General Assembly of the OAS that took place in Asunción-Paraguay on June 24th 2024.

The reason for the presentation, presented on behalf of the Colombian Foundation for Ethics and Bioethics – FUCEB, was the 45th anniversary of the Inter-American Court from a bioethical perspective of dignity and human rights.

The central argument lies in the importance of returning to the bioethical and anthropological bases of the concept of person understood as human life in its entirety from conception to natural death and the implications of this notion in relation to the configuration of the inter-American framework of human rights.


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Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA). Pacto de San José. https://www.oas.org/dil/esp/1969_Convenci%C3%B3n_Americana_sobre_Derechos_Humanos.pdf

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How to Cite

Mejía Quintana, J. (2024). ¿A quién cuidamos?. Persona Y Bioética, 28(1), e2817. https://doi.org/10.5294/pebi.2024.28.1.7


