Alcance de la calidad de vida en atención médica




Quality of life, dignity, respect, value of life, bioethics


Quality of Life Reach in Medical Care

Alcance da qualidade de vida no atendimento médico

The term quality of life has increasingly widespread use in biomedical practice, especially in end-of-life situations. Experience shows that  the expression is often used with very different —and sometimes conflicting— scopes. The present article presents the results of a literature review that show diverse positions, while delimitating the subject. The analysis compares the terms “quality of life,” “human dignity,” and “value of human life.”

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Páez G, López-Gabeiras MP, Moreno-D’Anna M. Alcance de la “calidad de vida” en atención médica. Pers Bioet. 2020;24(1):14-27. DOI:

Recibido: 06/11/2019

Aceptado: 04/03/2020

Publicado: 07/05/2020


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Author Biography

Gustavo Páez, Universidad Austral

Integrante del Departamento de Bioética de la Universidad Austral. Capellán del Hospital Austral.


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How to Cite

Páez, G., López-Gabeiras, M. del P., & Moreno-D’Anna, M. (2020). Alcance de la calidad de vida en atención médica. Persona Y Bioética, 24(1), 14–27.



Review articles