Hippocratic Writings and their Relevance: Elements for the Humanistic Education of Doctors in the 21st Century





Hippocratic medicine, bioethics, humanities, education, clinical practice


Los textos hipocráticos y su vigencia: elementos para la formación humanística del médico en el siglo XXI

Os textos hipocráticos e sua validade: elementos para a formação humanística do médico no século XXI

By way of notes, comments are made on the validity of some Hippocratic works from the perspective of the learning and practice of medicine in the first decades of the 21st century, amidst a expanding technical-scientific and computer civilization. The paper highlights the affirmation of perennial truths —valid at all times— extracted from a selection of Hippocratic writings, which express the spirit of classic Greek medicine understood as tekhne iatrike. It was originally conceived as an activity of a rational, human, philanthropic and scientific nature aimed at serving the good of patients, following an ethos and some ethical principles and values of universal range, validity and application. It is proposed that taking in these concepts provides the medicine student with humanity, dignity, moral and intellectual growth, and improves their attitudes and aptitudes, skills and abilities to understand and face multiple existential situations that permeate daily clinical practice. This not only requires professional technical skills, but also humane attributes for better approaching interpersonal relationships with and attitudes towards the patient and their families. These ideas are introduced as a contribution of bioethics, characterized by its humanities-science-technology integration and educational mission of training critical consciences within the techno-scientific civilization, in order to foster respect for and openness towards diverse aspects of reality.

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Gómez-Fajardo CA. Los textos hipocráticos y su vigencia: elementos para la formación humanística del médico en el siglo XXI. Pers Bioet. 2019;23(2):194-206. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5294/pebi.2019.23.2.3

Recibido: 20/04/2019

Aceptado: 18/07/2019


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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Gómez-Fajardo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

MD Ginecólogo, UPB; Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Especialista en Bioética. Docente de Bioética, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; Miembro de la Academia de Medicina de Medellín.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Fajardo, C. A. (2019). Hippocratic Writings and their Relevance: Elements for the Humanistic Education of Doctors in the 21st Century. Persona Y Bioética, 23(2), 194–206. https://doi.org/10.5294/pebi.2019.23.2.3



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