Cuidado e inteligência artificial: una reflexión necesaria




Inteligência artificial, robótica, enfermagem, teoria de enfermagem, ética


A enfermagem não está alheia à mudança revolucionária que a introdução da inteligência artificial no cuidado da saúde implica. No início de 2021, foram publicadas as conclusões do think-tank internacional sobre a inteligência artificial e a enfermagem, nas quais é reconhecida a relevância do uso dessas tecnologias para aumentar e ampliar as capacidades dessa disciplina, entre elas, o cuidado. Uma avaliação ponderada sobre a assertividade dessas conclusões exige, necessariamente, uma reflexão epistemológica acerca do cuidado. Neste artigo, refletimos sobre a incidência da inteligência artificial no cuidado de enfermagem sob a perspectiva da ética do cuidado e à luz das principais contribuições do Samaritanus Bonus.


Não há dados estatísticos.


Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe. Carta Samaritanus Bonus sobre el cuidado de las personas en las fases críticas y terminales de la vida; 2020. Disponible en:

Spaemann R. El sentido del sufrimiento. Atlántida. 1993;15:323. Disponible en:

Yepes Stork R, Aranguren Echevarría J. Fundamentos de Antropología. Un ideal de la excelencia humana. Sexta edición. Pamplona: Eunsa; 2003.

San Juan Pablo II. Carta Apostólica Salvifici doloris sobre el sentido cristiano del sufrimiento humano; 1984. Disponible en:

Torralba F. Pedagogía de la vulnerabilidad. Valencia: CCS; 2002.

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Vanlaere L, Gastmans C. A personalist approach to care ethics, Nurs Ethics. 2011;18(2):161-73. DOI:

Gastmans C. Dignity-enhancing nursing care: A foundational ethical framework. Nurs Ethics. 2013;20(2):142-9. DOI:

Noorbakhsh-Sabet N, Zand R, Zhang Y, Abedi, V. Artificial intelligence transforms the future of health care. Am J Med. 2019;132(7):795-801. DOI:

Fratzke J, Tucker S, Shedenhelm H, Arnold J, Belda T, Petera M. Enhancing nursing practice by utilizing voice recognition for direct documentation. J Nurs Adm. 2014;44(2):79-86. DOI:

Topaz M, Murga L, Gaddis KM, McDonald MV, Bar-Bachar O, Goldberg Y, et al. Mining fall-related information in clinical notes: Comparison of rule-based and novel word embedding-based machine learning approaches. J Biomed Inform. 2019;90:103103. DOI:

Topaz M, Murga L, Bar-Bachar O, Cato K, Collins S. Extracting alcohol and substance abuse status from clinical notes: The added value of nursing data. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;264:1056-60. DOI:

Pruinelli L, Westra BL, Pruett T, Monsen KA, Gross CR, Radosevich DR, et al. A multi-dimensional general health status concept to predict liver transplant mortality. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI). 2019, art. no. 8904801. DOI:

Bini SA. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Cognitive Computing: What do these terms mean and how will they impact health care? J Arthroplasty. 2018;33(8):2358-61. DOI:

Li Z, Moran P, Dong C, Shaw R, Hauser K. Development of a tele-nursing mobile manipulator for remote caregiving in quarantine areas. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2017;3581-6. DOI:

Khader N, Lashier A, Yoon SW. Pharmacy robotic dispensing and planogram analysis using association rule mining with prescription data. Expert Syst Appl. 2016; 57:296-310. DOI:

Blechar L, Zalewska P. The role of robots in the improving work of nurses. Nurs 21st century. 2019;18:174-82. DOI:

Sato M, Yasuara Y, Osaka K, Ito H, Dino MJS, Ong IL, et al. Rehabilitation care with Pepper humanoid robot: A qualitative case study of older patients with schizophrenia and/or dementia in Japan. Enferm Clin. 2020;30(1):32-6. DOI:

Ronquillo CE, Peltonen LM, Pruinelli L, Chu CH, Bakken S, Beduschi A, et al. Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think-tank of the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership Collaborative. J Adv Nurs. 2021;77(9):3707-17. DOI:

Buchanan C, Howitt ML, Wilson R, Booth RG, Risling T, Bamford M. Predicted influences of artificial intelligence on the domains of nursing: Scoping review. JMIR Nurs. 2020;3(1):e23939. DOI:

Erikson H, Salzmann-Erikson, M. Future challenges of robotics and artificial intelligence in nursing: What can we learn from monsters in popular culture? Perm J. 2016;20(3):15-243. DOI:

Locsin RC, Ito H. Can humanoid nurse robot replace human nurses? J Nurs. 2018;5(1):1. DOI:

Locsin RC. The co-existence of technology and caring in the theory of technological competency as caring in nursing. J Med Invest. 2017;64(1-2):160-4. DOI:

Tanioka T. The development of the Transactive Relationship Theory of Nursing (TRETON): A nursing engagement model for persons and humanoid nursing robots. Int J Nurs Clin Pract. 2017;4:23. DOI:

Pepito, JA, Locsin RC. Can nurses remain relevant in a technologically advanced future? Int J Nurs Scie. 2019;6:106-110. DOI:

Watson J. Assessing and measuring caring in nursing and health sciences. 2nd ed. Springer Publishing Company; 2008.

Gastmans C, Dierckx de Casterle B, Schotsmans P. Nursing considered as moral practice: A philosophical-ethical interpretation of nursing. Kennedy Inst Ethics J. 1998;8(1):43-69. DOI:

Bertolaso M, Rocchi M. Specifically human: Human work and care in the age of machines. Business Ethics: A Eur Rev. 2020:1-11. DOI:

Torralba F. Hacia una antropología de la vulnerabilidad. Forma. 2010;2:25-32.

Chin-Yee B, Upshur R. Three problems with big data and artificial intelligence in medicine. Perspect Biol Med. 2019;62(2):237-56. DOI:

Barón F, Sanz A. Cuidar y asistir: ¿hijos de un dios menor? Cuad Bioét. 2021;32(106):321-7. DOI:

Szlajen F. Inteligencia artificial y transhumanismo: falacias del humano exacerbado y desfondado en la tecnología. En Oliveira N, Marim C, Bavaresco A, Tauchen J. (orgs.). Bioética, Neuroética, Emoções. Porto Alegre: Fundação Fênix; 2019. p. 45-60. DOI:



Como Citar

Paladino, M. S. (2022). Cuidado e inteligência artificial: una reflexión necesaria. Persona Y Bioética, 25(2), e2528.



Artigos de reflexão