Bioethics and literature: A proposed anthropology of suffering


  • María Teresa Russo Author Universidad “Campus Biomédico”


The core axis of bioethical reflection is the personal molding of the physician as focused on the right approach of the doctor-patient relationship. That is why the crucial point of medical training is the relation between knowledge, understanding and communication. Where properly set out, it allows us to overcome the kind of dualism that counters scientific data objectivity with the subjectivity of life experiences of both the doctor and the patient. In order to grow in this disposition of mind in which on the one hand are involved the specific professional knowledge of the physicians and their human dimension of generosity and compassion on the other, a deep cultural education becomes necessary, where human sciences such as philosophy and literature contribute their knowledge of the homo patiens, which is undoubtedly indispensable to take care of the sick.


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Author Biography

María Teresa Russo, Universidad “Campus Biomédico”

Licenciada en Letras y Filosofía. Ph.D. en Filosofía y Teoría de Ciencias Humanas. Profesora de Antropología, Departamento de Antropología y Ética Aplicada, Universidad “Campus Biomédico”, Roma. Profesora de Ética Social, Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad “Roma Tre”.

How to Cite

Russo, M. T. (2009). Bioethics and literature: A proposed anthropology of suffering. Persona Y Bioética, 10(2). Retrieved from



Reflection Article