Testimonio la enfermería y la muerte


  • Elizabeth Murrain Knudson Author Fundación Universitaria De Ciencias De La Salud


Through two situations in confronting and dealing with death, which marked a very critical time of my life first as a student and now as a teacher, I felt the need of sharing this reflection. My aim is bringing to mind the kind of professionalism that implicitly entails getting to grips with agony and death in our daily work. But there is a need to remember as well that we experience, precisely in our condition of women, nurses, mothers, wives and daughters, very different feelings. Therefore, we must get to know and understand these feelings; and learn to deal with them in order to accept the chance of providing company and guidance to both patients and their family and those closest to them when confronting such a difficult and painful situations. But, hopefully, without hurting ourselves or, otherwise, “leaving aside our own emotionality for the sake of suitability, proficiency and professionalism”.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth Murrain Knudson, Fundación Universitaria De Ciencias De La Salud

Enfermera egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especialista en Auditoría en Salud. Diplomada en Epidemiología y Docencia Universitaria.

How to Cite

Murrain Knudson, E. (2009). Testimonio la enfermería y la muerte. Persona Y Bioética, 9(1). Retrieved from https://personaybioetica.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/personaybioetica/article/view/909


