Tuberculosis in Latin America and the Caribbean: Reflections from Bioethics
Tuberculosis, social determinants of health, health services accessibility, Latin America and the Caribbean, bioethicsAbstract
Tuberculosis en América Latina y el Caribe: reflexiones desde la bioética
Tuberculose na América Latina e no Caribe: reflexões da bioética
The objective of this article is to analyze the conditions of access to health services by people with tuberculosis in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), reflecting on the public health aspects involved from a bioethical perspective. A literature review of the context of tuberculosis in LAC based on epidemiological data was performed. The results were analyzed from its relationship with the social determinants of health and the ethical principles that guide medical practice. Tuberculosis is a pressing public health problem in the region because of its family, social, economic and health impact. It mainly affects vulnerable individuals and populations. Health services violate ethical principles. Tuberculosis is a serious ethics and public health problem in the region that causes death, disability and increased poverty. It is imperative to ensure the right to health services and to understand the individual and public health consequences of non-adherence to treatment. It is important that national tuberculosis control strategies include principles of dignity and non-discrimination of the sick, changes in the social determinants of the disease, and respect for the ethnicity, language culture and identity of patients.
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