Algunas ideas sobre la verdad, el amor, la voluntad y la ética del Libro del desasosiego de Bernardo Soares, de Fernando Pessoa


  • Nubia Posada-González Author Universidad de La Sabana


Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) is one of the most famous Portuguese writers and aestheticians of the 20


th century, widely read in several languages and more frequently studied nowadays. Through his literary legacy, by analyzing some of his texts written with undeniable mastery and beauty in the use of language, a glimpse of his most intimate reality can be perceived in his treatment of themes evolving around truth, love, will, and ethics. This work gathers some of the ideas of a man whose existence seemed to be marked by the sadness of being unable to find the sense of his own life which, in turn, becomes a reference for displaying all the dimensions of his being.


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Author Biography

Nubia Posada-González, Universidad de La Sabana

Enfermera, Máster en Educación, Especialista en Bioética. Profesora, Departamento de Bioética, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de La Sabana.

How to Cite

Posada-González, N. (2009). Algunas ideas sobre la verdad, el amor, la voluntad y la ética del Libro del desasosiego de Bernardo Soares, de Fernando Pessoa. Persona Y Bioética, (20-21). Retrieved from



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