Medicina contemporánea, entre crisis y paradigma. Reflexiones en torno a la filosofía de la medicina


  • Pedro José Sarmiento M. Author Universidad de La Sabana


Work analyses state of the art of today medicine practice in face of new paradigms. Social interaction and applications have greatly been influenced by nom- precedent recent conditionings regarding its exercise. This paper intends to describe elements playing a major role in new trends and its backlash in profession, its teaching and forthcoming future.

Paper reviews medicine history, contemporary social transformation and epistemological and social issues of its practice, outlining importance of including such elements on philosophy of medicine as a mean to redefine its scope and significance for a new focus an future development of profession.


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Author Biography

Pedro José Sarmiento M., Universidad de La Sabana

Médico, Filósofo. Máster en Bioética. Ph. D. Profesor e investigador en Bioética, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la Sabana, Campus Universitario, Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia.

How to Cite

Sarmiento M., P. J. (2009). Medicina contemporánea, entre crisis y paradigma. Reflexiones en torno a la filosofía de la medicina. Persona Y Bioética, (17). Retrieved from



Reflection Article