Luces y sombra del psiquismo humano la naturaleza de lo psíquico y el objeto de la psicología


  • Alejandro Serani Merlo Author Universidad Católica de Chile


Nowadays, there is no doubt that psychological science is a growing field of human knowledge. What is much less clear, from an epistemological point of view, is how psychology as such must be adequately defined. The difficulty lies in the possibility to give an adequate conceptualization of the reality of psyche. We sustain that for modern psychology the main consideration must be centered on animal behavior. Human behavior, however, must be recognized as a qualitatively different kind of animal behavior. The recognition of the originality of intellectual cognition and affectivity is essential to the formal understanding of specifically human behavior. Modern psychology has been unable to give a balanced account of freedom and morality in the study of the human behavior. 


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Author Biography

Alejandro Serani Merlo, Universidad Católica de Chile

Médico Neurólogo y Psiquiatra. Doctor en Filosofía. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

How to Cite

Serani Merlo, A. (2009). Luces y sombra del psiquismo humano la naturaleza de lo psíquico y el objeto de la psicología. Persona Y Bioética, (11-12). Retrieved from



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