Medicina regenerativa y respeto al embrión


  • Vicente Bellver Capella Author Universidad de Valencia


Stem cell research arises therapeutical expectation for coming years. Embryos are one of the means to obtain such cells.


This article states that appealing to embryos to obtain stem cell besides unethical is useless, because stem cells from adults have proved similar or higher potential.


This work hence alerts on misleading information on research to vindicate embryos as a source of stem cells.


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Author Biography

Vicente Bellver Capella, Universidad de Valencia

Profesor titular de Filosofía del Derecho y Director del Máster en Derecho y Bioética de la Universidad de Valencia. En la actualidad está como Visiting Scholar en el Health Law Department de Boston University.

How to Cite

Bellver Capella, V. (2009). Medicina regenerativa y respeto al embrión. Persona Y Bioética, (11-12). Retrieved from



Reflection Article