Genesis and use of the term "Pre-embryo" in current scientific literature.


  • M. Ferrer Colomer Author Universidad de Murcia
  • L. M. Pastor García Author Universidad de Murcia


Lately, the debate on the human character of the embryo has continued. One the facts that can be perceived in this debate, contrary to what happened during the first years, is the systematic forgetfulness of the word "pre-embryo" to refer to the pre-implanted embryo. In this work, after analyzing the origin of this word and attempting to provide it whit adequate conceptualization, we describe and prove, through a simple bibliometric study, the little success this word has had, as well as its lack of development since it first appeared. In conclusion, not only can this word's conceptual lack (that is to say, it's no correspondence to reality) be certified, but also its scarce use can be certified at a phenomenological level. This also endorses the artificial character of therm.


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Author Biographies

M. Ferrer Colomer, Universidad de Murcia

Médico, Master Universitario en Bioética, Departamento de Biología Celular Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Murcia. Vicepresidente del Centro de Investigación y Formación en Bioética de Murcia.

L. M. Pastor García, Universidad de Murcia

Presidente del Centro de Investigación y Formación en Bioética en Murcia, España. Es vocal de la Asociación Española de Bioética y Ética Médica. Miembro del Consejo Asesor de la Revista "Bioética y Ciencias de la Salud" y de la Revista "Cuadernos de Bioética". Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado: Biología Celular de la Reproducción y Desarrollo en Mamíferos- Murcia 1995/97. Actualmente es coordinador responsable del Master en Bioética programada para 1.997 de la Universidad de Murcia.

How to Cite

Ferrer Colomer, M., & Pastor García, L. M. (2009). Genesis and use of the term "Pre-embryo" in current scientific literature. Persona Y Bioética, (2), 2–27. Retrieved from



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