Definition of brain death


  • Jordi Cervós Navarro Author Universidad Lliure de Cataluya


In this article the author places the ethical and scientific issue of death, as a social problem by which human life is considered to have biological en to be determined. At this moment, reflections made by philosophers, neurologians and theologians agree on the concept of brain as the organ in charge of integrating all vital functions. It also deals whit neurologists' criteria to determine brain death and the legality of organ transplant under these circustances.


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Author Biography

Jordi Cervós Navarro, Universidad Lliure de Cataluya

Catedrático del Instituto de Neuropatología de la Universidad Libre de Berlín. Ha sido Decano de la Facultad de Medicina de esta Universidad, Miembro del Consejo Internacional de Neuropatología y Presidente Ejecutivo de la Sociedad Alemana de Neuropatología y Neuroanatomía. Ha publicado diversos manuales de su especialidad, traducidos a varias lenguas.

How to Cite

Cervós Navarro, J. (2009). Definition of brain death. Persona Y Bioética, (1), 164–173. Retrieved from


