Empathy and End of Life: Manifestation in the Personality of the Health Worker and Effects on Clinical Practice





Empathy, end of life, suffering; decision-making, palliative care, pain management


The present study analyzes empathy as a cognitive-emotional-affective skill of the physician that allows experiencing the patient’s emotional condition and transforms the clinical encounter into a supportive and responsible act. It points out the importance of selflessly caring for others and addressing their vulnerability and dependence. Moreover, the study underlines the value of guarding human life until its natural ending, taking charge of the other through accompaniment, and promoting the renewal of the meaning of existence when marked by suffering and illness. Empathy is indicated to be involved in decision-making in clinical practice. The detailed analysis of the levels of empathy, its manifestation in the interviewees’ personalities, and how it plays a part in decision-making proves the benefits of a work focused on defending the intangibility of human life and the person’s dignity.


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How to Cite

Rosales, M. de la V. (2024). Empathy and End of Life: Manifestation in the Personality of the Health Worker and Effects on Clinical Practice. Persona Y Bioética, 27(2), e2725. https://doi.org/10.5294/pebi.2023.27.2.5



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