Perceived Suffering at the End of Life




Suffering, empathy, end of life, palliative care at the end of life, euthanasia, pain management


The complexity of a terminal illness highlights the vulnerability of the human being to pain and suffering. It accentuates the subjective crisis that accompanies the patient and the doctor who assists him. We reviewed the proposal for a study on the ethics of care of those who need comprehensive care at the end of life. An excerpt from it points out the importance of doctors being able to place the patient’s suffering separate from themselves, maintaining an empathic resonance that positions them with the ability to enter the world of the patient and his disease with personal and professional firmness. We defined a space for reflection on the meaning of suffering, its correlation in clinical practice, and a fundamental argument when proposing legislation linked to the end of life.


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How to Cite

Revello, R. Óscar, & Rosales, M. de la V. (2023). Perceived Suffering at the End of Life. Persona Y Bioética, 27(1), e2716.



Reflection Article