The Importance of Doctor-Patient Communication: A Study in Argentina




Physician-patient relations, communication skills, medical education, ethics, bad news, communication


Objective: To discuss the importance of communication in the doctor-patient relationship and collect information about perception during their practice. Materials and methods: A literature review and a survey were conducted (105 doctors in Argentina participated). Results: Most professionals report communication difficulties, which hinder care. Physicians expressed difficulties communicating bad news, primarily in clinical areas, and the ability to put themselves in the patient’s shoes is essential for giving such news. Young people significantly consider that the communication of bad news depends on practice. Conclusions: Communication skills are critical. Evidence suggests that it is necessary to look into the acquisition of communication skills and ethical values.


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Author Biography

Maria del Pilar Lopez Gabeiras, Universidad Austral

Departamento de bioetica del la Facultad de Ciencias Biomedicas de la universidad Austral


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How to Cite

Lopez Gabeiras, M. del P. (2023). The Importance of Doctor-Patient Communication: A Study in Argentina. Persona Y Bioética, 26(2), e2625.



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