Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: Bioethical Assessment of Gender Discrimination




Alphapapillomavirus, infectious disease transmission, men, papillomavirus vaccines, precancerous conditions, public health


Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease worldwide, responsible for 4.5 % of all cancers in both sexes. HPV vaccination, with similar levels of efficacy and safety in both sexes, is aimed at women to prevent cervical cancer. The transmissibility of the virus in both sexes and the herd immunity provided by universal vaccination makes its extension to the male sex a matter not only of public health but also a bioethical dilemma related to the protection of health and the equitable distribution of resources. This research addresses the bioethical analysis of the extension of HPV vaccination to both sexes.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Navas , A., Gómez-Luque, I., & Tudela, J. (2023). Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: Bioethical Assessment of Gender Discrimination. Persona Y Bioética, 26(2), e2622.



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