Psycho-social and Family Characteristics Related to Attempted Suicide in an Adolescent Population in Bogota–2009


  • Alejandra Caycedo Author Universidad de La Sabana
  • María Luisa Arenas Author Universidad de La Sabana
  • Michelle Benítez Author Universidad de La Sabana
  • Paula Cavanzo Author Universidad de La Sabana
  • Gretel Leal Author Universidad de La Sabana
  • Yahira R. Guzmán Author Universidad de La Sabana


Suicide, adolescents, family, prevention.


Suicidal behavior has become a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In 2006, it was the third leading cause of death among persons age 15 to 44. Risk factors for this behavior and specific warning signs have been identified. However, adolescents may be plagued by additional risk factors such as imitation, social identification, and emotional instability.

The authors conducted a transversal- descriptive study with adolescents between 10 and 17 years of age who were admitted for attempted suicide to the emergency rooms of two hospitals in Bogota. The data was collected with an instrument filled out by the parents or guardians of 14 different patients, after having signed a letter giving informed consent. The study showed the most prevalent age was 16, accounting for 43% of the sample. The female population was the most prevalent in terms of gender, accounting for 71.5%. None of the patients reported a previous diagnosis of mental illness and, in only three specific cases, was there a report of substance abuse. None of the patients reported having sought help prior to attempting suicide.
Due to the small number of cases in the sample, it is possible only to describe the reported findings. At this point, conclusions cannot be reached with respect to family characteristics. To do so would require applying the instrument to a larger sample of patients.


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Author Biographies

Alejandra Caycedo, Universidad de La Sabana

Médico interno, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia.

María Luisa Arenas, Universidad de La Sabana

Médico general, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia.

Michelle Benítez, Universidad de La Sabana

Médico general, Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia.

Paula Cavanzo, Universidad de La Sabana

Estudiante de Medicina, Universidad de La Sabana.

Gretel Leal, Universidad de La Sabana

Estudiante de Medicina, Universidad de La Sabana.

Yahira R. Guzmán, Universidad de La Sabana

Médico psiquiatra, jefe área de Salud Mental y Psiquiatría, Universidad de La Sabana.



How to Cite

Caycedo, A., Arenas, M. L., Benítez, M., Cavanzo, P., Leal, G., & Guzmán, Y. R. (2011). Psycho-social and Family Characteristics Related to Attempted Suicide in an Adolescent Population in Bogota–2009. Persona Y Bioética, 14(2). Retrieved from



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