Giving Body to the Body: Predictive Genetic Testing and Self-desomatization




Genetic testing, predictive medicine, social identification, personal identity, self-concept, body, symbolic value, relationship, genetic counselling


Genetics test in predictive medicine seems to take charge of the uniqueness of any human being. Unlike preventive medicine it moves from the theoretical assumption of the knowledge of a specific individual’s genetic structure and potential fragility. However, the attention paid to the gene risks placing the living and experienced body in the shadow. Sometimes, “genetic news” can make the subject in the present act like a sick person without being so, read every event in that direction, and, ultimately, fulfill the prophecy. The article goes beyond the alleged non-exceptionalism of genetic data and discusses the symbolic value that the gene has assumed and its role in reflexivity and self-perception.


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How to Cite

Colombetti, E. (2022). Giving Body to the Body: Predictive Genetic Testing and Self-desomatization. Persona Y Bioética, 25(2), e25210.



Reflection Article