A Model to Promote Ethics and Good Practices in Global and Intercultural Research: Applications in México and Chile





Global research, intercultural research, ethics, minority groups, Latin America


Intercultural research poses critical ethical challenges. In 2019, in collaboration with more than 200 researchers from more than 30 countries, a group of researchers developed an ethical conflict analysis model that seems relevant for Latin America. The model proposes a flexible frame of reference where ethical challenges (and their solutions) depend on four factors present throughout the research process: the place where the research is carried out, the people involved, the relevant ethical principles, and the precedents from previous research. This article discusses the applicability of this model through two case analyses: one study with Indigenous peoples in Chile and the other with Latin-American migrants on the border between Mexico and US.


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How to Cite

Guerra, C., Pinto-Cortez, C. ., Peña, F., Toro, E., Calia, C., Reid, C., & Grant, L. (2022). A Model to Promote Ethics and Good Practices in Global and Intercultural Research: Applications in México and Chile. Persona Y Bioética, 25(2), e2524. https://doi.org/10.5294/pebi.2021.25.2.4



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