Chance vs. Weighting Criteria in Allocating Scarce Health Resources to Health Emergencies




Social hierarchy, classification, health services, health resources, pandemics


When events such as a pandemic occur, and the entire population’s health must be ensured, the focus is on public health. Despite several criteria for decision-making, it is advisable to delve into the weighting beyond the mere consideration of plainly visible factors. We propose weighting as a mechanism instead of chance since, given the person’s substantial unity and intrinsic dignity, their destiny cannot be subject to anything less than the exercise of intelligible judgment inherent to human reason.


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Author Biographies

María Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte, Universidad Anáhuac México

Doctora y Licenciada en Filosofía.

Maestría en Bioética
Técnico en urgencias médicas
Profesora de la Facultad de Bioética
y de la Facultad de Humanidades
de la Universidad Anáhuac México Norte

Rubén Oscar Revello, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Argentina

Director del instituto de Bioética


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How to Cite

de los Ríos Uriarte, M. E., & Revello, R. O. (2021). Chance vs. Weighting Criteria in Allocating Scarce Health Resources to Health Emergencies. Persona Y Bioética, 25(1), e2512.



Reflection Article